
Living is an adventure, and my adventure is deliberate. Welcome!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Feeling Blah

     Hooray, another week!  The wormies seem to be doing fine.  I’m trying not to check on them too much.  I know they like the dark.  I did add some more food to the bin; some fruit that had fallen on the floor, a banana peel, some onion peelings.  And some more stuff that I cannot remember now.  The drying rack and solar dryer are working well, I’ve been using one or both for every load. 
     Well, I’m back to feeling a little overwhelmed about the nebulous future.  I know that I want to own a home on some land.  I know I want to live sustainably and as self-sufficiently as possible.  I know I want to live simply.  But how on earth do I get from here to there?  I have to work to stay at the house I live at now.  And if I want to get a teaching job, I have to go back to school part time.  Which is going to cost money and time.  Money and time that I would much rather put towards my land and house.  What to do, what to do?
     I’m feeling a little overwhelmed by it all.  The children talking, the dog barking, the tv going off, too much noise!  Ahhhh!  I can’t concentrate at all. 

1 comment:

  1. Breath. A journey is taken on step at a time, so don't worry about the nebulous future too much. Start small, like you've been doing (and you've been doing great!) Big dreams are important and wonderful, but big dreams come true in small steps.

    It won't help with the time, but look into scholarships, I know in Maryland some school districts would pay the way of students studying to become teachers in exchange for a promise of a certain number of years working for said district. There maybe programs like that in Arizona.
